Sustainability festival

Sustainability festival 2022

We will have an online festival to progress the sustainable food system from September 17 to 27.

Sharing activities of the training for sustainability

During this period, we will share some activities in our ongoing JICA training course, the “Strategic Management and Marketing for Sustainable Local Industry Development” course.

Exhibitions of implementation of sustainable projects in the world

We also exhibit some sustainable agricultural activities that ex-participants are implementing in their countries.

What’s new (update information)

Sep. 22 Added dance and song page of Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

Participants’ countries

We introduce the participants’ countries.

Please click the name of the country and enjoy the basic statistic, agricultural products, and ethnic song and dance.

Ex-participant’s best practice

We share the sustainability project after taking this course.

Please click the flag below and enjoy the project detail


Week for sustainability

From Sep 17 to 27, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery (MAFF) will have an event as the week of sustainability collaborate with the Ministry of Environment and Consumer Affairs Agency.

Week of sustainability site of 2020 (MAFF website)

We as a member of the sustainability consortium will participate in this event and will hold “the online festival.

Let’s start a movement for a sustainable food system!

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